How to plan productive work days & accountability tactics from home
“…It’s not that I am not productive. I am just more brain productive rather than body productive.”
Breanna Gribble (she/hers) is a Senior Resilience Manager at STV as well as a professional modern dancer with Mari Meade Dance Collective. Here is her approach to how to remain grounded during the grueling schedule of getting sucked into project after project in the midst of the pandemic:
Breanna: [Right now,] I think that I need structure. Structured breaks. Structured interactions. You know, I have been writing a lot of proposals and doing a lot of research and I am the kind of worker that can by accident do that for as long as I … want, and I don’t think it’s healthy.
I think in the pre-COVID life it was like, well I have to get up and go to the conference room at 1:30, or I have to go meet someone for lunch. There was a little bit more of a framework for physicality, but if I am left to my own devices it’s a lot more challenging. I think I don’t work out, for example, because I don’t put it on my calendar.
I am not the type of person who’s like, hmmm … (looks out in the distance) time for a run (laughs). But if I tell myself: “on Wednesday, you will go for a half an hour jog,” then I’ll do it. I generally won’t cop out of something I planned, but I might skip out on something otherwise. It’s not that I am not productive. I am just more brain productive rather than body productive.
Check out WE TALK Structure where Breanna shares how she balances her day-to-day work structure of her health and productivity.
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